I joined iTradeNetwork with a mission - to bring powerful experiences to the market, especially in the perishables space. I am passionate about ensuring food gets onto the right shelf and into the right basket, while minimizing waste as much as possible. The decision to join iTrade was easy: with a powerful network of over 8,000 food and beverage trading partners, we’ve been the leader in perishables supply chain management for over 20 years. The right mission and doing what I love? It was an easy decision.

When I first logged into OMS I knew we could build a more powerful order management experience. The perishables industry has intricate nuances, complex challenges and I don’t need to say any more about how COVID has challenged our industry. Today’s demanding supply chain requires solutions that can help you proactively manage market disruptions with modern, intuitive and simplified workflows.

Behind the scenes for product teams, there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into re-imagining what a user experience could look like - whether it’s a redesign or the next iteration. There’s lots of meetings to talk about what users want, how they work and what are the ways we could improve their routines. Launching the new look and feel is usually a moment of accomplishment but also a tiny bit of anxiety - what if our customers don’t find the right value in the changes?

So, while I'm nervous, I'm also thrilled to announce that we’re getting ready to relaunch OMS with a new, sleek look focused completely on your experience. We’ve been hard at work designing, building, coding and testing with several customers. We’re still in beta testing mode and plan to make the new OMS generally available in Spring 2022, however I wanted to share a sneak peek of powerful new features designed to make it easier and quicker so you can find what you need to get your ordering done:

  • User Experience: a modern, intuitive PO landing interface
  • PO Creation: simpler, faster, more efficient
  • Reports: quicker access to report creation - no more waiting for emails

Modernizing the perishables buying process starts with iTrade. We’re committed to the work that you do which is even more critical during tumultuous times. Today’s supply chain has to be agile, flexible and quick. We are dedicated to helping you manage all aspects of the procurement process within a single platform, one order at a time.